The Organs at St Francis


Digital Pipe Organ

Praise for the new digital organ:

“This is truly a unique instrument and music creation”

Daniel Brace, Limelight Magazine 10 May 2021

Our digital pipe organ was a custom-built by Virtual Pipe Organs Australia to a specification and design by Bransby Byrne and Ian Sell. It was installed at St Francis, Paddington in 2019.



Contra Open Wood Wd 32’ 

Open Metal M 16’ 

Open Wood Wd 16’ 

Diapason M 16’ 

Contra Geigen (enclosed Swell) M 16’ 

Quintaten M 16’ 

Bourdon Wd 16’ 

Double Dulciana (enclosed Choir) M 16’ 

Quint M 10⅔’ 

Octave M 8’ 

Violoncello M 8’ 

Bass Flute Wd 8’ 

Gemshorn (enclosed Choir) M 8’ 

Octave Quint M 5⅓’ 

Choral Bass M 4’ 

Octave Flute Wd 4’ 

Nachthorn M 2’ 

Harmonics (15-17-19-22) M IV 

Contra Bombarde M 32’ 

Ophicleide M 16’ 

Trombone M 16’ 

Fagotto M 16’ 

Posaune M 8’ 

Trumpet M 8’ 

Harmonic Clairon M 4’ 

Schalmei M 4’ 


Quintaten M 16’ 

Prinzipal M 8’ 

Gedeckt M 8’ 

Prestant M 4’ 

Rohr Gedeckt M 4’ 

Nazard M 2⅔’ 

Octavin M 2’ 

Glöckleinton M 2’ 

Tierce M 13/5’ 

Quintflute M 1⅓’ 

Cymbale III (22-26-29) M 1’ 

Cromorne M 8’ 

Positive On Tremulant 

SWELL ORGAN — 18 STOPS (Enclosed) 

Contra Geigen M 16’ 

Geigen Principal M 8’ 

Rohr Flöte Wd 8’ 

Gamba M 8’ 

Voix Celeste M 8’ 

Octave Gamba M 4’ 

Suabe Flute Wd 4’ 

Twelfth M 2⅔’ 

Doublette M 2’ 

Rauschflute (12-15) M II 

Sesquialtera (17-19-22) M III 

Scharf (22-26-29-33) M IV 

Dulzian M 16’ 

Cornopeon M 8’ 

Horn M 8’ 

Hautbois M 8’ 

Clairon M 4’ 

Octave Hautbois M 4’ 



Double Diapason M 16’ 

Bourdon Wd 16’ 

Montre M 8’ 

Open Diapason M 8’ 

Italian Prinzipal M 8’ 

Flûte Harmonique M 8’ 

Stopped Diapason Wd 8’ 

Octave M 4’ 

Principal M 4’ 

Waldflöte Wd 4’ 

Quint M 2⅔’ 

Super Octave M 2’ 

Fifteenth M 2’ 

Blockflöte Wd / M 2’ 

Full Mixture (12-17-19-22-29) M V 

Fourniture (15-19-22-26-29) M V 

Plein Jeu (15-19-22-26-29-33) M VI 

Sharp Mixture (29-33-36) M III 

Double Trumpet M 16’ 

Trumpet M 8’ 

Harmonic Clarion M 4’ 





CHOIR ORGAN — 12 STOPS (Enclosed)

Double Dulciana M 16’ 

Gemshorn M 8’ 

Stopped Flute Wd 8’ 

Dulciana M 8’ 

Octave Gemshorn M 4’ 

Lieblich Flute Wd 4’ 

Gemshorn Fifteenth M 2’ 

Flageolet Wd / M 2’ 

Larigot M 1⅓’ 

Dulciana Mixture (12-17-19-22) M IV 

Trompette M 8’ 

Vox Humana M 8’ 

Choir On Tremulant 

SOLO ORGAN — 18 STOPS (Enclosed) 

Violoncello M 16’ 

Viole d’Orchestra M 8’ 

Voce Umana (2 ranks) M 8’ 

Viole Octaviant M 4’ 

Violette M 2’ 

Cornet des Violes (10-12-15) M III 

Harmonic Flute M 8’ 

Concert Flute M 4’ 

Harmonic Piccolo M 2’ 

Grand Cornet (1,8,12,15,17) M V 

Clarinet M 8’ 

Corno di Bassetto M 8’ 

Cor Anglais M 8’ 

Orchestral Oboe M 8’ 


Tromba M 8’ 

Trompette en chamade M 8’ 

Tuba M 8 

Tubular Bells M 8’ 



(i) Great to Pedal

(ii) Swell to Pedal

(iii) Swell Octave to Pedal 

(iv) Positive to Pedal

(v) Choir to Pedal

(vi) Solo to Pedal

(vii) Swell Sub Octave to Great 

(viii) Swell to Great

(ix) Swell Super Octave to Great 

(x) Positive to Great

(xi) Choir to Great

(xii) Solo to Great

(xiii) Solo Super Octave to Great 

(xiv) Swell to Positive 

(xv) Solo to Choir 

(xvi) Swell to Choir 

(xvii) Choir Sub Octave 

(xviii) Choir Unison Off 

(xix) Choir Super Octave 

(xx) Choir to Swell 

(xxi) Solo to Swell 

(xxii) Swell Sub Octave 

(xxiii) Swell Unison Off 

(xxiv) Swell Super Octave 

(xxv) Solo Sub Octave 

(xxvi) Solo Unison Off 

(xxvii) Solo Super Octave 

Great and Pedal Combinations Coupled 

32 Channel Memory System 

20 General Thumb Pistons (with Stepper Sequencer Thumb/Toe) 

10 Swell Thumb Pistons 

10 Great Thumb Pistons 

5 Positive Thumb Pistons / 5 Choir Thumb Pistons 

10 Solo Thumb Pistons 

10 Pedal Toe Pistons 

Reversible Full Organ Thumb/Toe Piston (Adjustable) 

Reversible Thumb/Toe Pistons to couplers marked * 

Expression Pedals for Swell, Choir & Solo Organs (with 12 position ‘led’ Indicators) 

Compass: Manuals – 61 notes; Pedal – 32 notes 


Bransby Midnight Mass 2015

The Viscount digital console installed in the former nun’s chapel to the side of the sanctuary currently provides the accompaniment for the choir and congregation in the liturgies at St Francis. It was installed in 1998 when the transept instrument (see below) was deemed too small to accompany the choir and congregation in the present situation. Whilst fulfilling the requirements at present, it is hoped that in the near future a pipe organ of significant size and quality will be able to replace this instrument in accordance with article 120 of Sacrosanctum Concilium (see below).

The Specification of the Viscount Instrument is as follows:


Pedal C- g’ Kontra Bass 16’ Subbass 16’ Oktavebass 8’ Rohrgedackt 8’ Oktave 4’ Mixtur 4 fach’ Posaune 16’ Klarine 4’ MIDI

Manual I (C-c””) Bourdon 16’ Prinzipal 8’ Gedackt 8’ Oktave 4’ Rohrflöte 4’ Superoktave 2’ Kornett 4 fach Mixtur 5 fach Fagott 16’ Trompete 8’ Tremulant  MIDI

Manual II (C-c””)  Bourdon 8’ Gamba 8’ Vox Celeste 8’ Prinzipal 4’ Flöte 4’ Nasard 2 2/3’ Rohrflöte 2’ Terz 1 3/5’ Zimbel 4 fach Oboe 8’ Tremulant MIDI

Couplers II/I II/Ped I/Ped

Accessories (!)  6 Memory levels with 6 Adjustable Thumbpistons General Enclosed Chimes Tutti  General Cancel Variable Tremulant Transposer

Temperament: Equal I, Equal II, Kirnberger, Werkmeister, Pythagorean, Meantone, Vallotti.

Assisted Pedal Alternative Voicing (Baroque/Romantic)

The Transept Organ

St Francis Organ

Though in good working order, this organ was rarely used in recent times because it was designed for a much smaller church, and could no-longer meet the liturgical needs of our parish. The 1980 refurbishment and re-location of the present pipe organ from the back gallery to the transept happened during the renovations of the church. The rebuilt organ was, at that trime, re-dedicated to former organist of the church Despina Zaracosta (1915- 1995) at the completion of the renovations.

The original maker, date of installation and much of previous history of this small organ is currently unknown. It is an example of “old wine in a new cask” – the building frame, windchest, manual action and wooden pipework probably dating from c.1850, but the case is an early 20th century replacement, and the metal pipes and the Bourdon probably date from the same time.

In 2015, during major renovations of the church, this historic pipe organ was dismantled and stored temporarily in the church gallery, and then reassembled in the West gallery in 2016. Organ builder Peter Jewkes remarked that “Its present incarnation is by John Holroyd (Sydney agent for Norman & Beard – cf book “Historic Organs of NSW”). The Violin Diapason and Principal ranks probably date from his time, and are by Palmer of London – the Rolls Royce of pipemakers in the period, and definitely the best in the little organ. The wooden pipes are much earlier, and not of brilliant construction it must be said, though the fact that the 2′ ones are wooden all the way to the top note is extremely rare for the period (or indeed any period).”

Violin Diapason 8
Stopped Diapason 8
Geigen Principal 4
Piccolo 2

Bourdon 16

Keys to Pedal

Compass 54/25
Mechanical action to manual
Pneumatic action to pedals and drawstops
Lever swell pedal

Click here for more information on the transept instrument on the website of the Sydney Organ Journal.

Relevant Ecclesial documents:

  1. In the Latin Church the pipe organ is to be held in high esteem, for it is the traditional musical instrument which adds a wonderful splendor to the Church’s ceremonies and powerfully lifts up man’s mind to God and to higher things. But other instruments also may be admitted for use in divine worship, with the knowledge and consent of the competent territorial authority, as laid down in Art. 22, 52, 37, and 40. This may be done, however, only on condition that the instruments are suitable, or can be made suitable, for sacred use, accord with the dignity of the temple, and truly contribute to the edification of the faithful.


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