Sunday 5 August 10am – CHOIR

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Year of Mark

Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Eph 4:17, 20-24; Jn 6:24-35 Whoever comes to me will never be hungry 


  • Mass setting: Missa Pater Noster (Palaestrina)
  • Motet: Venite Comedite*  (William Byrd)
  • Communio: (Wis 16.20) Panem de caelo dedisti nobis Domine, habentem omne delectamentum, et omnem saporem suavitatis You have given us bread from heaven, O Lord, containing in itself all delight, and every flavour of sweetness
  • Hymns: TIS 569 Guide me O thou great redeemer CWM RHONDDA; O saving victim MELCOMBE
  • Organ Prelude: Prélude du premier ton – Nicolas Gigault (1625-1707)
  • Organ Offertorium: Interlude in ‘C’ – Alan Rawsthorne (b. 1929)
  • Organ Voluntary: Dialogue sur les grands jeux (Mass for the Convents) – François Couperin (1668-1733)

Organist: Bransby Byrne

*Venite comedite panem meum, et bibite vinum quod miscui vobis.

Come, eat my bread, and drink the wine which I have prepared for you.